
Magnus Ahlström

Lashing Systems AB

Tailor made lashing systems for container vessels

The service offered is complete lashing system design including mock-up test of lashing system, hand rail design, resting positions for turnbuckles and lashing bar stowage.


Study of lashing system feasibility to determine which lashing systems that are applicable for each part of the vessel. There are usually at least three lashing systems onboard a vessel; one in foremost bays, one in standard bays and one in aft bay (plus occasionally special bays as a 45ft bay). In the study I look at various factors as longitudinal distances between container and lashing bridge, transversal gap between containers and locations of outermost pillars related to outermost container stack. I also take operational issues into consideration, e.g. always have only one type of lashing bar available on each lashing bridge platform. Once the study is complete I will present lashing system options including approximate lashing bridge heights and approximate eye plate locations.



Once the lashing system is decided the design work can start. All various lashing cases are identified and used to calculate the lengths of the lashing bars and turnbuckles. The design is optimized in order to use as few versions of lashing bars and turnbuckles as possible while making sure all possible loading cases can be secured. I aim for as standardized eye plate positions as possible for easier lashing bridge production. It is crucial to consider all parts of the lashing bridge when doing the design to e.g. avoid interference between lashing equipment and ladders/piping/reefer plugs/etc. I am also offering to design hand rails, turnbuckle resting and lashing bar stowage during the design phase in order to save time for all parties.


Mock-up test

The result of the design work is a complete lashing system ready for mock-up test. Lashing bridge heights, eye plate positions, lashing equipment and test cases are summarized in a mock-up test instruction which is distributed prior to the physical test. All cases are tested and subjected to ship owner’s and ship yard’s approval. After finalized and approved mock-up test I will submit a complete set of files detailing:

  • turnbuckle and lashing bar lengths and quantities
  • turnbuckle installation guide
  • mock-up test report
  • final mock-up testing instruction including drawings of
    • final eye plate positions
  • hand rail design
  • resting hooks for turnbuckles
  • lashing bar stowage
  • Mobile: +46 70 3290405 |